

Experience the Thrill of Your Own Demise in 'Soul Covenant' - The Ultimate VR Journey of Life Through Death

*This article is reprinted with permission from

[Japanese Only] 




Have you ever experienced the moment of your own death? Like having your neck bitten off, for example. I did, and it wasn't pretty.




The VR narrative action game SOUL COVENANT was released on April 19, 2024. It topped the PlayStation VR2 download rankings in Japan's PlayStation Store in April 2024.


Set in a devastated Japan, the game features intense battles between mechanical weapons called "Deus Ex Machina" and humans, with focus on melee combat action. The tagline is "A story of life through death."


Although the game is a VR action game, its true appeal lies beyond the action. The immersive VR perspective makes you feel like the protagonist of a dark sci-fi anime. The story is dark, as mentioned, and heavy, revolving around death.


SOUL COVENANT Official Website


The graphics are beautiful, and the game is easy to control, making it suitable for VR newcomers. However, the story is so heavy that it might not be for everyone. Through this game, I learned that endless death and rebirth will make you lose your humanity.


This game is perfect for those who want to experience the moment of their own death, not just their comrades', in VR.


  • wing your sword and annihilate enemies with energy beams. Despite the heavy story, the combat is casual and accessible.

  • A dark story that hits you in the guts. You have to move forward, the death of your comrades still fresh in your mind.

  • [Development Interview] Challenging the Battlefield of "VR" Together with long-time "Soul Sacrifice" Fans


The theme of "death" was chosen for its high empathy.

As a VR action game, the real challenge starts after the main story is over.

Swing your sword and annihilate enemies with energy beams. Despite the heavy story, the combat is casual and accessible.


SOUL COVENANT was created by the team behind the 2013 multiplayer action game Soul Sacrifice. It can be considered as its spiritual successor and you don't need to have played the previous game to enjoy it.


This title is exclusively for VR headsets and is available on PlayStation VR2, PC (Steam), and Meta Quest 2/3. In physically swinging your arms to use your weapon and fight "Mech weapons" called "Deus Ex Machina", this is a game that makes your hero fantasies come to life.


The protagonist wields melee weapons called "Scapegoat", crafted from their comrades' remains. There are various types, such as swords and hammers, all of which can be transformed by holding them with both hands: swords become scythes and hammers turn into dual blades. It looks incredibly cool.


One of the biggest selling points of the game is the ability to freely manipulate these weapons in the VR space, allowing you to slice through hordes of enemies and experience intense battles with colossal foes. During combat, you can use elements like shield defense, dash, and "finishing blows" that obliterate your enemies, adding strategic depth. It truly feels like a quintessential VR action game.


What adds even more to the excitement is the special move "Demonic Burst" that can be activated by consuming energy crystals called "Monads", collected from enemies!


Extend your left hand firmly in front of you, grab your left arm with your right hand, and start charging. Once you've gathered enough energy, you can unleash an energy beam from your palm. The pose itself is undeniably cool. Who wouldn't want to mow down enemies with a laser beam? This will get your adrenaline pumping, guaranteed.


Swing stylish weapons and unleash cool beams. How does that not bring your inner hero to life?


I regularly play games in VR and immerse myself in what is known as the "Metaverse", a term used to describe VR social networking services. Speaking from that perspective, this is a casual VR sword-fighting action game; a really fun experience that lets you swing your arms around in order to slash enemies with your sci-fi sword.


VR devices that allow you to freely move your arms are very compatible with action games that involve wielding swords. There are many VR games revolving around swordplay, like Blade and Sorcery gaining popularity recently, and Sword of Gargantua, released over five years ago and still maintaining a strong following as a classic.


In the world of VR games, swordplay is just as popular as gunplay. Personally, I'm more used to sword fighting, to the point that I find myself swinging aimlessly a short sword around in "VRChat" (I acknowledge, though, that it might be a bit weird).


Swordplay VR games are entertaining for sure, but they do too have their weaknesses. Due to their high action nature, they can be a bit selective in terms of their audience. However, the author felt that SOUL COVENANT was somewhat different.


Many VR action games centered around swordplay tend to heavily prioritize difficult techniques like parrying and guarding at high speed. For those who regularly play swordplay games, mastering these techniques is crucial. Being able to narrowly evade enemy attacks with moves that make you say something like "I saw that coming just in time!" is an appealing aspect, so it's only natural for enthusiasts to prioritize them.


On the other hand, for beginners who are not used to sword fighting movements, that can be quite challenging. I myself had a hard time getting used to these games because I had to learn the basics while being constantly slashed by enemies. Unlike games played on a monitor, the experience of being immersed in VR of receiving a fatal wound is quite scary. It can be difficult for sensitive people.


That's where SOUL COVENANT comes in. When I first played the game, I felt that the game system was conscious of not making too much use of advanced actions, it was mainly about swinging your sword with one hand.


Movements to block or evade enemy attacks are important, but enemy attack speed is slow. Many of them are easy to deal with; the movements telegraph well the incoming attack and its range.


The parry and guard mentioned earlier are also implemented, but if you ask me, I would say they aren't essential for beating the game. You can instantly expand an energy shield, used for defense, by pulling the trigger, making it both intuitive and powerful.


Although you can progress quickly from the beginning to the middle, the difficulty level spikes towards the end. Of course, you will inevitably struggle with powerful enemies that appear along the way.


Not only are the enemies strong, there is also a sense of tension that make you say things that seem to come out straight out of a manga, like ''You are different from the ones I've met before!'' The production of this action game is excellent, making you want to overcome this wall.


The basic design focuses on the "appeal of swinging a cool weapon." The difficulty is designed in such a way that you don't have to think about complicated things while fighting (especially in the beginning).


And there's a good reason for that.


A dark story that hits you in the guts. You have to move forward, the death of your comrades still fresh in your mind.




Now, let's take a look again at the game's catchphrase.


"A story of life through death"


It feels very dark and heavy, right?


And that's exactly how it is. This work is very dark, especially the story. Words like "despair" and "death" suit it well.


The main game consists of a set of steps: select a chapter → watch the prologue movie → go to the battlefield → watch the epilogue. The story progresses by repeating this process.


Each prologue and epilogue are fully voiced. The way the characters charge into each battle with a solid reason to fight also gives you a sense of realism.


Even during battle, dialogues with friends and enemies are constantly unfolding, so there is almost no occasion in which you just fight. There isn't a lot of time to focus only on the battle, since the story unfolds at the same time as the battle, allowing the player to immerse themselves in the role of the protagonist even further.


In other words, there seems to be a particular attention to having the player empathize with the protagonist in the story and gameplay experience. For that reason, I am thankful that game actions are not too difficult. To put it simply, the harder the battles, the more difficult it would be to focus on the story.


The main story is heavy and intense. "Death" is a common factor to both the main character's comrades and the protagonist themselves, revealing that life is something feeble. During the game, the rate at which someone dies, it's approximately every 30 minutes. Although this article incorporates some comical expressions, there are basically no gags in the main story of SOUL COVENANT.


When the game begins, humanity is already on the brink of extinction. Even the captain, who is supposed to guide the player, is already dead when she appears for the first time on the screen. It's been just under 4 minutes since the game started and we already have our first victim; are we trying to establish a record or something?


Despite the initial turmoil, the protagonist is entrusted with the captain's remains which will turn into the weapon called "Scapegoat." Let me tell you: this weapon is heavy! Even though I only have a controller, my imagination tells me that my right hand holding the sword feels heavy. My first experience in coming face-to-face with the remains of my comrades as weapons was before I could even remember them.



To give more context, the main character is an Avatar (in short, a clone) whose memories have been transplanted from their previous selves, now passed away. The story progresses as you relive the memories of the same "person" who came before you. In other words, you play while having the certainty that soon you will pass away too in the game. Scary stuff!






...The first reliving experience of "my own death" was being eaten alive from the neck up by a mechanical weapon. Just remembering the sound of bones being crushed makes my head tingle. Even if it's through a monitor, the experience in VR is indescribable.


This is a PR article. Although the purpose is to convey to the public that this game is fun, it is also a review article that takes in consideration my evaluation. So I'll write it again: if you are sensitive, it may be wise to avoid playing this game.


For those still intrigued, take a deep breath and calm your mind before playing. Experience the exquisite "rawness" that only VR games can convey and see how it affects you: you should find the answer there.


If you enjoy experiences that involve "death," then play to your heart's content and be prepared to get devoured.




After experiencing my first death, I got along really well with my new comrade... Well, it lasted more or less 30 minutes. After which, their death reminded me once again of the core theme of this game.


The Avatars' remains are entrusted to their comrades so that they can be turned into weapons. Fighting while thinking about your friends, now resting in the palm of your hands! ...this is some intense writing I'm doing here.


Let me tell you, the burden is really heavy. So much that when a comrade dies, it feels like: "Oh no, they died again. Well, here is a cool new weapon." The protagonist frees themselves from the concept of "death", losing their humanity. I'm feeling the same way. After all, it seems that everyone dies.




In the epic, despair-filled human drama of warriors fighting against all odds, you immerse yourself in a cycle of prologues, battles and epilogues, while showing off your cool sword skills: that is SOUL COVENANT. Whether my indigestion is due to this game or my acid reflux is still unclear.




Now, let's talk about Thirdverse, the developer and publisher behind SOUL COVENANT as well as the aforementioned Sword of Gargantua. They're a developer that VR enthusiasts would endorse with a resounding "If you want to enjoy swordplay in VR, go there!"


They deliberately prioritize storytelling and world-building, aiming to expand the VR gaming community by developing titles that even VR beginners can enjoy like traditional console games.




On the other hand, it also serves as a spiritual successor to Soul Sacrifice. The development team from that game has reunited, and the unique edginess associated with words like "sacrifice" and "offering" is still present.


SOUL COVENANT is a VR sword-fighting action game and an RPG that lets players relieve a dark story. We spoke with Teruhiro Shimogawa, a key member of the development team, to understand the thoughts behind his creation.



Teruhiro Shimogawa

Game designer/scenario writer. He serves as the director for the SOUL COVENANT and "Soul Sacrifice" series. Referred to as Shimogawa in the text.



[Development Interview] Challenging the Battlefield of "VR" Together with long-time "Soul Sacrifice" Fans



- It's been about three weeks since the release. How was the response from the public? We heard that it secured the top spot in the Japanese PlayStation VR2 download rankings (April 2024).


Yes. Thankfully, the game has been well-received. We've been getting more and more reports of people completing the story. The story and world-building, in particular, have been rated higher than we imagined. Some even say it's the most enjoyable VR game they've ever played, which is very flattering. The concept of this game is "playing as the hero" and "reliving death," and it seems people are enjoying it just as we intended.



- "Reliving death" fits perfectly with the characteristics of VR, doesn't it? There are many games and movies that depict life and death, but in VR it feels like death is even closer.



I'm glad to see that reviewers are enjoying that aspect as well. Every time I read such feedback, I feel reaffirmed that it was truly worth bringing this work to the world. As for challenges, while we are receiving generally high praise from domestic users, I feel there is room for improvement in appealing to the overseas market.


- Cultural differences might be a factor as well. Overseas VR games tend to be more popular in the shooting genre, while the desire to engage in sword fights with cool weapons might be unique to the Japanese audience.



- Playing this game, I got the impression that it emphasizes casual playability rather than hardcore action. Is this consideration for people who aren't good at action, aimed at allowing them to enjoy the story?


I struggled in balancing the difficulty. During development, we conducted test plays multiple times, but naturally, there was a significant difference in gameplay progress between those who regularly play VR games and those who are not familiar with VR headsets. While this game is an action game, we also put a lot of effort into the world and story, so I didn't want users who expect that to give up on clearing it. Therefore, I aimed for a design that is easy to play even for the latter group (VR game beginners).


"This game is the spiritual sequel of 'Soul Sacrifice.' So, I thought about those 'Soul Sacrifice' fans who bought a VR headset for this game. As a result, I also have the feeling that if it leads to the expansion of the VR market... Incorporating feedback from test plays as much as possible, I think we were able to make it easy for people unfamiliar with this type of game to get into it. I was relieved when I actually received such feedback."



- "Indeed, ease of playability was the first thing I noticed."

While we've kept the entry barrier low, the controls become somewhat more demanding once players get accustomed to them in the mid-game. We've made the post-clear quests challenging enough that even those accustomed to VR action games might struggle with some of them. In a sense, for a "multiplayer VR action game," that's where the real challenge lies. For those who find the early stages too easy and unsatisfying, I'd encourage them to also take on those challenges.




――It's a bit of a chicken-and-egg question. During the development stage, was the premise to create a VR game? Or did the planning start with the intention of modernizing a game like 'Soul Sacrifice' and ultimately lead to VR?


It's closer to the former. The initial goal was to create a "story-driven VR action game." So, we decided to gather members from 'Soul Sacrifice,' which had been praised for its storytelling, and move forward with the project.



- Do you have any VR content you referred to during development?


While we didn't focus on benchmarking against specific titles from other companies, we did consider feedback from users of Thirdverse's past works comprehensively. From there, I think we were able to achieve evaluations like "less prone to motion sickness despite being a VR title."


The reason for choosing "death" as the theme is due to its high relatability.



- "I felt that there was a focus on world-building and storytelling from the heavier scenario centered around the theme of 'death.' Could you tell us about your commitment to the story?"


As we aimed to create a spiritual sequel to "Soul Sacrifice," we recognized the need to approach world-building and thematic storytelling with equal or even greater intensity than what was appreciated in the same series. We chose the theme of "death" because it's something universal. While "Soul Sacrifice" focused on human desires, we believed that selecting such a theme would generate a high level of empathy.



In a sense, it is also close to instinct.


While it's not a direct sequel to "Soul Sacrifice," we aimed for certain aspects that would evoke its essence in this game as well. I'd love to elaborate more, but it would spoil things further... I'd be delighted if those who are curious would give this game a try.




- "I felt that the movements of characters, including NPCs and enemies, were quite intricate. How were these movements created? I'm also curious about the instructions given if motion actors were used."


We paid particular attention to Eve, the game's navigator and storyteller. Eve is an artificial intelligence created to mimic humans. During motion capture, we were careful to balance "mechanical and life-like qualities." This fusion of mechanical and biological traits is something we also focused on in the enemy design and their movements, which is a characteristic of the game's world.



- The design of the enemies, "Deus Ex Machina," resembles gods, as they were intended to evoke fear in humans. Was this direction decided from the beginning? Unlike typical monsters, they felt more like a novelty.


The design of the enemies has been well-received, so it's one of the points we hope players will pay attention to. It was decided from the beginning that the enemies would be machines. Without careful planning, they could have become ordinary monsters, so we put a lot of effort into their conceptual design.


Since I was involved, we thought it would be better to have a taste similar to "Soul Sacrifice," which is why we adopted the element of gods. When we named them "Deus Ex Machina" (god from the machine), the final image came into place. In the game's archives you can find the backstories of each enemy and stage, something similar to "Soul Sacrifice."



- In terms of enjoying the story, I also felt the desire to empathize more with my favorite characters. It would be great to have additional content that delves deeper into them (such as DLC or reading materials released on the official website).


Regarding additional downloadable content, I'm unable to provide any information at this time. However, we are considering future options based on customer feedback and requests.



- Understood. In that case, for now, I suggest expanding your imagination by exploring the in-game archives.


"For VR action games, the real deal comes 'after' it's over."



- Please tell us about the appeal of multiplayer elements.


Quests categorized as "Defense Battles" are designed to emphasize cooperation in multiplayer. I especially want players to pay attention to the EX stages after clearing the story. They are set at a challenging difficulty level, offering intense battles.



- "Multiplayer and high-difficulty content really complement each other, don't they?"


I believe multiplayer will make the experience even more exciting. While we aimed to make the game accessible at the beginning, some users may have found the early stages lacking in difficulty. I would be happy if those players could enjoy the thrill of death being just around the corner.



- How has the game been received in the overseas market?


SOUL COVENANT was developed with a focus on story and world-building, while ensuring that beginners to VR gaming can enjoy it with a feeling similar to console games. Additionally, we designed the game to minimize movements and effects that could lead to VR sickness as much as possible.




On one hand, we received feedback from advanced VR gamers abroad that they felt a lack of satisfaction in the physics calculations aspect. On the other hand, those who played through to the end mentioned that they appreciated the ease of play similar to console games and felt empathy towards the story and world-building.


Furthermore, those seeking a challenging difficulty level have expressed the impression that "the real challenge begins from the EX stages after clearing the main story." As mentioned earlier, that is somewhat intentional, so we aim to carefully emphasize those aspects in the future.



- The more I hear about it, the more I feel that it's packed with unique features that are only possible in VR.


I believe the experience of "becoming the protagonist of a manga or anime" is something that can only be enjoyed in VR. If you're interested in our game, I hope you'll dive into this world and enjoy the experience of "playing as the protagonist." For those who haven't worn a VR headset in a while, I encourage you to boot it up again.


Also, we're eagerly awaiting those who played "Soul Sacrifice" in the past but haven't yet tried this game. Some may hesitate at the word "VR," but we've designed it to be beginner-friendly, so I especially encourage those who aren't accustomed to it to give it a try.




"I want to create an interesting VR action game that can be played by fans who have been following the series for many years." This is the feeling I had from Shimogawa's words.


For those not afraid of "experiencing death," I highly recommend the fun of "entering the world of games in VR" with SOUL COVENANT. This title is available for PlayStation VR2, PC (Steam), Meta Quest 2/3 as a VR exclusive title, and has been well received.


For those who enjoy heavy and dark stories, or those who want to confront scary and gruesome mechanical creatures and formidable enemies, this sharp-edged game will surely resonate. This despair is something to be savored.